Monday, November 20, 2006

Act I, Scene 2 - Study Questions

  1. Nerissa's idea of happiness is similar to that of the ancient Greeks. According to Nerissa, where does happiness lie?
  2. What is the meaning of Portia's comment about the brain devising laws for the blood?
  3. Why can Portia not choose her own husband?
  4. In her assessment of suitors, what qualities of mind and spirit does Portia show?
  5. Near the end of the scene, Nerissa tells us that the suitors have decided to return home without choosing a casket. Why?
  6. Which former visitor to her father's palace does Portia remember as a praiseworthy, prospective suitor? What does her comment, "I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise," foreshadow?


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