Monday, December 11, 2006

Act III, Scene 1 - Study Questions

  1. At the beginning of this scene, what is foremost in Shylock's mind?
  2. What does Salerio mean when he says of Jesica:
    That's certain [she will be damned] if the devil may be her judge."
  3. In response to Salerio's comment about Antoni's bond of a pound of flesh, Shylock makes one of the most famous speeches in this play. What is the main point of this speech, and what is your reaction to it?
  4. How justified do you think Shylock is for wishing to seek his "pound of flesh"?
  5. Tubal tells Shylock of a second ship lost by Antonio and of Jessica's extravagant spending almost in the same breath. For what reason do you suppose Shakespeare presents these two items in this mixed fashion?


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