Monday, December 11, 2006

Act III, Scene 2 - Study Questions

  1. Why does Portia not want Bassanio to rush into making a choice?
  2. While Bassanio ponders over the three caskets, he makes a speech. State the main point of the speech and Bassanio's action at the conclusion of the speech.
  3. As he addresses the casket, Bassanio says,
    "...thou meager lead,/Which rather threat'nest than dost promise aught,/Thy plainness moves me more than eloquence..."

    To what is he referring?

  4. Upon opening the casket, Bassanio is overjoyed at seeing the picture and reading the scroll, yet he is anxious. Why?

  5. With her response, some critics believe that Portia emphasizes the motif of "love as a form of money." What could be pointed out in this respect?

  6. What is the significance of the ring that Portia gives to Bassanio?

  7. What information do Gratiano and Nerissa give to Portia and Bassanio?

  8. Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salerio enter. What news does Salerio bring?

  9. What is Portia's response to this news?

  10. What is Antonio's one request of Bassanio?


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