Sunday, November 26, 2006

Act II, Scene 5 - Study Questions

  1. Who is "the prodigal Christian," and why does Shylock accept a dinner invitation that he has previously declined?
  2. What sense of foreboding does Shylock have about leaving the house?
  3. What final instructions does Shylock give Jessica? How do these comments seem to aid in justifying Jessica's behavior and decision?
  4. What message does Launcelot pass to Jessica?

Act II, Scene 4 - Study Questions

  1. The conversation at the opening of this scene seems to make little sense until we learn that the young men are preparing for a masque. What is a masque, and what do they need a torchbearer for?
  2. What further action do we learn Jessica plans to take when she leaves her father's house? What is Lorenzo's reaction to this news?
  3. In what two senses may we take Lorenzo's comment that tonight Jessica will be his torchbearer?

Act II, Scene 3 - Study Questions

  1. A frequent subplot in comedies is that of lovers who defy a parent and elope. What further twist to this subplot is there in Jessica's proposed elopement?
  2. In this regard, contrast Portia and Jessica. Why do you suppose Shakespeare's audience would not have thought less of Jessica?

The Merchant of Venice – Research Project

Each student will be responsible for researching one of the following topics, depending on the letter you are assigned.

A’s – The role of women in Venice during the 1400’s and 1500’s

B’s – The role of Jews in Venice during the 1400’s and 1500’s

C’s – The justice and governmental system in Venice during the 1400’s and 1500’s – the role of the Doge (Duke)

D’s – Entertainment and music in Venice during the 1400’s and 1500’s

Students within a letter group may choose to work together on their presentation.

Expectations for each student include:

  1. Researching the topic assigned.
  2. Comparing the reality to the way the topic was portrayed in the play.
  3. Preparing an outline that covers 1 and 2 above to be handed in to me.
  4. Preparing an oral presentation (a minimum of 8 minutes) that covers the information in the outline. Students in a letter group may work together on their presentations, but each student must make his/her own presentation. Presentations may be made in a creative manner, including (but not limited to) poetry, drama, newscast, or any other format that will effectively impart the information to the class.
  5. Preparing a works cited page in MLA format to include all sources utilized during research

    Grading will be based on the following criteria:

    4- Exceeds expectations

    3- Meets expectations

    2- Somewhat meets expectations

    1- Does not meet expectations

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Act II, Scene 2 - Study Questions

  1. By what decision is Launcelot Gobbo torn? Which way is his conscience pulling him?
  2. Usually servants and other lower-class people are comic figures in a Shakespearean play. Their language is always in prose, not verse; frequently they muddle their words and engage in word play and puns. Does Launcelot Gobbo seem to fit this picture?
  3. As father and son speak to Bassanio, Bassanio becomes exasperated. What makes this scence comic?
  4. Define "malapropism." What are some malaprops you note in Old Gobbo's comments?
  5. When Gratiano asks Bassanio if he may accompany him to Belmont, what is Bassanio's response?

Act II, Scene 1 - Study Question

Of what condition does Portia inform the Prince of Morocco, and what is his reponse?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Act I, Scene 3 - Study Questions

  1. Do you think Shylock's refusal to have dinner with Antonio and Bassanio based on religious or societal grounds?
  2. When Shylock makes the following comments, what is his meaning?
    "If I can catch him once upon the hip,

    I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him."

  3. What is Antonio's meaning in the following passage?
    "Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow

    By taking nor giving of excess..."

    Why is Antonio's position on lending money different from that of Shylock?

  4. As Antonio presses for Shylock's answer, Shylock reveals what he considers are some insults he has received from the hand of Antonio. What are they?

  5. What is Antonio's response to Shylock?

Act I, Scene 2 - Study Questions

  1. Nerissa's idea of happiness is similar to that of the ancient Greeks. According to Nerissa, where does happiness lie?
  2. What is the meaning of Portia's comment about the brain devising laws for the blood?
  3. Why can Portia not choose her own husband?
  4. In her assessment of suitors, what qualities of mind and spirit does Portia show?
  5. Near the end of the scene, Nerissa tells us that the suitors have decided to return home without choosing a casket. Why?
  6. Which former visitor to her father's palace does Portia remember as a praiseworthy, prospective suitor? What does her comment, "I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise," foreshadow?

Act I, Scene 1 - Study Questions

  1. Antonio, the merchant of the title, is sad but tells us he does not know why. What 2 reasons do his friends offer for Antonio's sadness, and what is his response?
  2. Upon the entrance of Bassanio and his companions, the friendship motif is raised in a backhanded fashion by Solanio and Salerio. What is the main point of their comments?
  3. In Antonio's comment about the world being a stage, how does he explain his sadness?
  4. A major theme, the relationship between money and love, is first raised by Bassanio in the line which begins, "I owe the most, in money and in love..." What is Bassanio's point in this comment?
  5. What is Bassanio's plan for getting money to pay off his debts? What is Antonio's response?